Let’s focus on creating resilient communities.

I received a letter from two grade 5 students at École Mount Prevost asking for my support in protecting dogs from improper breeding practices. Their letter was accompanied by a petition signed by many of their schoolmates.

Below is the letter I sent to the Minister of Agriculture on their behalf, and what follows is her reply.

In addition,on March 7, MLA Jane Thornthwaite asked the Minister of Agriculture a question about puppy mills. You can see it at the video link below starting at 10:56.

Watch: https://videoarchive.leg.bc.ca/Harmony/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/0/0/6302?viewMode=2&mediastarttime=20190307103025&mediaendtime=20190307110137

Read: https://www.leg.bc.ca/documents-data/debate-transcripts/41st-parliament/4th-session/20190307pm-Hansard-n218