In Question Period, I asked the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy why have the water sampling results from the shallow monitoring wells at the contaminated soil site in Shawnigan Lake not been made available to the public. It’s been over eight...
Today, I asked the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy how many of the conditions in the closure plan have been met, and if the minister has any expectation that the work would be completed by his deadline. Hansard Transcript S. Furstenau: Yesterday I...
Today in Question Period, I asked the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources if the company responded to the order that her ministry issued, and if the soil been removed from the site, as ordered. Hansard Transcript S. Furstenau: On May 14, the Ministry of...
On the last day of the Spring 2019 session, I had the opportunity to ask the Premier about his commitment to protecting drinking water in Shawnigan Lake. Hansard transcript S. Furstenau: The Premier in the past represented the people of Shawnigan and over the years...
In Question Period, I asked the premier if the NDP government – as they have publicly stated – still stand against the plan to dump contaminated soil in Shawnigan...